About the Breed
German PinschersThis alert, loyal, vigilant, and fearless breed makes an excellent companion. Thier playful and fearless nature compliments their brilliance.
About the Breed
Content on this page is sourced from UKCDogs.com and Wikipedia.org.
General Appearance
The German Pinscher is well balanced, well muscled, powerful, squarely built, of medium size, and with elegant and flowing lines
The German Pinscher has been recognized in Germany, its country of origin, since 1879. It was brought back from near extinction by Herr Werner Jung after the Second World War.
Drawing of a German Pinscher and a Miniature Pinscher (Pinscher und Zwergpinscher), 1888.
🐶 – An alert, good natured and playful dog.
Alert, good natured, playful, high spirited, loyal, watchful, fearless, self possessed.
The German Pinscher has been recognized in Germany, its country of origin, since 1879. It was brought back from near extinction by Herr Werner Jung after the Second World War.
The body is compact and short coupled. The length of the body is approximately equal to the height of the dog, measured at the withers.

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Puppy Nursery